As a freeware, Pure ink always look for supports from users. You can support this project by one of the following three ways:

  1. You can credit or hashtab Pure ink by '#pureink' and '#pureinksoftware' in your artworks or commercial projects.

  2. You can share your Pure ink project with us via We love to hear about that.

  3. You can donate.

The latest version of Pure ink is 1.5.0

Installing Window version

Download button for Pure ink 1.5 (Win64) installer (700MB)

  1. Download Pure ink Installer, double click it and follow the steps to install.

  2. Alternatively, you can download the zip files of Pure ink. This allows you to skip the installation and more likely to run the software if you cannot execute the installer or if administrative right is required for running the installer under some situations.
    Download button for zip files of Pure ink 1.5 (Win64) (700MB)

    unzip the downloaded file. place the folder of "Pure ink (Win64) 1-5-0" inside C:/Programe Files or in the root directory of C drive. For convenience, Open the folder and create a short cut for "Pure_ink.exe" to desktop. Double click "Pure_ink.exe" to run.

  3. Previous version (Zip Files): Pure ink 1.4.2.

Installing Mac version

Download button for Pure ink 1.5 (Mac Apple Silicon) (600MB)

  1. For Mac with M1 processor or above, please use 'AppleSilicon' version. Pure ink 1.5 does not support Mac with Intel processor anymore. For Mac with Intel processor, please download 'Pure ink 1.4.2 (Mac Intel64)' in 'Previous version' below.

  2. After downloading, unzip and click it to open.

  3. Pure ink is primitively developed for and run relatively stable on Window. We try our best to make it adaptable with Mac but no guarantee. The Mac version has not yet supported Chinese character typing. To use Lanting calligraphy, please insert characters via copy-and-paste approach.

  4. Previous version:
    Pure ink 1.4.2 (Mac AppleSilicon)
    Pure ink 1.4.2 (Mac Intel64)